Institute for Informatics
Georg-August-Universität Göttingen

Databases and Information Systems Group

Uni Göttingen

XML-Based Markup Languages
Summer 2012

Prof. Dr. Wolfgang May
Daniel Schubert, MSc

Technical Data

  • Advanced Bachelor or Master/Diploma in Applied Computer Science or Information Systems (Wirtschaftsinformatik)
  • Prerequisites/Vorbedingungen: Semistructured Data and XML
  • 6 ECTS
  • Number of participants: max. 16-20 (about 8-10 talks of 2 persons)
  • Language: German and english are allowed. Reading of english text/documentation is required.

Time Schedule

  • first meeting at the beginning of the semester:
    Monday 16.4. 14h c.t. SR 2.101, IFI: First Meeting
  • first part: einzelne Themenbereiche ausarbeiten, aufbereiten
  • 7.5. 15:00 Meeting SR 2.101
  • 4.6. 14-16: Vortrag XML in der Medizin (CDA, ...)
  • 11.6.: verschoben auf 15.6.
  • 15.6. 12-14 SR 5.101: Vortrag Dokumente: XSL-FO/FOP, DocBook, ...
  • second part: Kombination. "Real Life": Daten aus medizinischer Anwendung in Dokumente fassen.
  • 18.6. 14:00 Besprechung


As a Meta-Language, XML provides the base for a lot of "instances", that are specific (markup) languages. Examples of those are XHTML (as a hypertext markup language), XSLT (as a markup for a rule-based programming language), XQueryX (as an XML syntax of XQuery); in contrast to ad hoc XML markups for certain domains like the Mondial XML instance. In this seminar, some XML-based markup languages will be discussed in detail:

Form of the Seminar

The intention of the seminar is to get an overview of the languages and a feeling how to use them (note: the supervisors of the seminar have a good knowledge on XML, but not on the above specific languages - we are also interested to get some new knowledge). The outcome should be in a form that can have some influence e.g. on BSc/MSc Theses in the application areas of the studies (i.e., to convince people there to use up-to-date technology).

For each topic, the following has to be done:

  • a written tutorial-style paper that gives an overview of the language concepts and syntax (that has been tested with appropriate tools),
  • evaluate some tools, write a report (installation, functionality, usability, ...) [optionally german or english]
  • prepare an illustrative medium-size case study using one or more tools (optionally: comparatively)
  • a presentation giving the tutorial and showing a demo of how to use it (about 90 minutes incl. discussion; optionally german or english).